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Intuition vs ordinary thought


Question: It's sometimes hard to know if the thoughts that arise in me are intuition or just some unwanted.. How to know it Sir?

Answer: Intuition means the guidance from within. This guidance is coming from the subconscious mind and Super conscious mind. It's something difficult to identify the intuition if your conscious mind is not in tune with your subconscious mind and Super conscious mind. Normally, the intuition comes when you want to do something and when you don't want to do something.

Suppose you want to do something. Your subconscious mind knows that it will not happen. So, it tells you that don't do it. That's intuition. But you will think that you should be positive. So, you will neglect the intuition and will do what you want to do. But you will fail.

Suppose you don't want to do something. Your subconscious mind knows that if you try it now, you will succeed. So, it tells you to try it now. That's intuition. But you will think that you should be cautious and should not be disappointed. So, you will neglect the intuition and won't make efforts. Later, you will feel repent when you come to know that if you have tried, you would have succeeded.

Almost intuition comes when you don't expect it. If you expect it, then, your idea will reflect. In day to day life, if a thought reflects against or in favor of your desire again and again, recognize that thought as intuition and go according to it. If it is true many of the times, it means that you are in tune with your subconscious mind and Super conscious mind.

Good Morning .. Be in tune with your subconscious mind and Super conscious mind.. 💐

Venkatesh - Bangalore


Be blessed with success

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