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Venkatesan R
Aug 12, 20202 min read
Problems in relationships
12.8.2015 Question: Sir..I am again and again stuck with problems in the relationship which affects my career/life too. I'm often being...
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Venkatesan R
Aug 11, 20201 min read
Did Krishna die?
11.8.2015 Question: Sir, We also have heard that Krishna was also mortal. It is said that he had an eye in the sole of his feet and after...
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Venkatesan R
Aug 10, 20201 min read
Mechanism of Siddhis
10.8.2015 Question: Sir, we have heard that Krishna was a great yogi. He had thousands of siddis. And he would be able to appear in many...
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Venkatesan R
Aug 9, 20201 min read
Pithru dosham
9.8.2015 Question: Sir, how to understand Pithru dosham? Kindly explain. Answer: Each living being has a center called a genetic center....
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Venkatesan R
Aug 8, 20202 min read
Destroying sin imprints
8.8.2015 Question: Sir, How to destroy bad imprints? Answer: Bad imprints are otherwise called as sin imprints. Their reflections cause...
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Venkatesan R
Aug 7, 20201 min read
Specialty of friendship
7.8.2015 Question: Sir, you call everyone as your friend. It seems that you are giving importance to friendship. What is the specialty of...
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Venkatesan R
Aug 6, 20202 min read
How to forget someone?
6.8.2015 Question: Sir, I want to forget someone, but I couldn't. Can you please give me some suggestions? Answer: You must have got...
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Venkatesan R
Aug 5, 20202 min read
Why are previous births’ memories hidden?
5.8.2015 Question: Sir all the imprints are in my genetic center but I couldn't recall my past or previous births. Why? Answer: Nature...
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Venkatesan R
Aug 4, 20202 min read
Significance of Ashada month
4.8.2015 Question: Sir, what is this aashada Maasa, shunya maasa? What is its significance? Answer: It is the fourth month in the...
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Venkatesan R
Aug 3, 20201 min read
3.8.2015 Question: Sir, say about faith. Answer: When you have fear, you have faith in something. Your faith stands on fear. Faith can be...
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Venkatesan R
Aug 2, 20201 min read
2.8.2015 Question: If jealousy is a basic attitude of a person, he will never change from this attitude. What do you say Sir? Answer:...
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Venkatesan R
Aug 1, 20201 min read
Knack vs Sadana (Practice)
1.8.2015 Question: Hello, All those who have achieved enlightenment is due to sadana and not through the knack. In my opinion knack is a...
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Venkatesan R
Jul 31, 20201 min read
What is a knack?
31.7.2015 Question: Sir, You have said that a knack is important to attain enlightenment. What is that knack? Answer: A knack is a...
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Venkatesan R
Jul 30, 20201 min read
Enlightenment and its purpose
30.7.2015 Question: What is enlightenment? Can one attain enlightenment without meditation? What is the purpose of enlightenment? If all...
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Venkatesan R
Jul 29, 20202 min read
Entire universe is our body
29.7.2015 Question: Sir, I have a question. People say that expanding our sensory perception to the entire universe is enlightenment. Is...
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Venkatesan R
Jul 28, 20201 min read
Life without food, sleep and sex
28.7.2015 Question: Sir....can we mould our soul to live with the physical body but without food, sleep, sex? Answer: First understand as...
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Venkatesan R
Jul 27, 20201 min read
The watcher and the watch
27.7.2015 Question: Sir..When we watch our mind I feel there are 2 entities.. Mind and the watcher After some time I feel the watcher...
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Venkatesan R
Jul 26, 20201 min read
Observation vs Concentration
26.7.2015 Question: Does watching or observing falls under concentration? Watching the mind or thoughts involves an effort. How do you...
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Venkatesan R
Jul 25, 20201 min read
25.7.2015 Question: Sir, what is the meaning of relationship? Answer: You relate yourself with many people and many things in your life....
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Venkatesan R
Jul 24, 20202 min read
24.7.2015 Question: Sir 🙏I have one doubt. What you will give, you will get it back right Sir. Then what is the meaning of self love?...
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