Question: Sir. Sometimes, when we are more happy, tears (ananda bashpa) come. Why so? How to avoid it?
Answer: When you feel more pain, tears will come. Why? Because the pain is unbearable. You can not express it by words. So, to release the excess pain, tears come. In the same way, when you feel more happy, tears come.
When you are not able to express your happiness through words, you express through tears. It's our body's mechanism that whatever becomes excess, our body will release it. That which is unbearable is excess. Everybody differs in coping with the pressure.
If thoughts become more, the pressure is released as dreams. If emotions become more, the pressure is released as tears. Overwhelming emotions will create imbalance in you. Pain is a negative emotion. And pleasure is a positive emotion.
Positive is one side and negative is the other side. You will be either on the positive side or on the negative side. The more you go towards the edge, the pressure will be more. And the imbalance will be more.
The more you go towards the center, the lesser will be the pressure. When you are in the middle, the pressure is balanced and the positive and negative are neutralized.
Good Morning.... Be in the middle...💐
Venkatesh - Bangalore
Be blessed with success